19477976160 51aba175ec k 628x356 VW MK6 GTI candy whitewith 19″ V702 matte hyper silver

VW MK6 GTI candy whitewith 19″ V702 matte hyper silver

This MK6 is rocking a set of 19×8.5″ ET45 VMR V702’s in a Matte Hyper Silver finish. The multi-spoke design of the wheel look at home on the car, and when aired out, the combination is stunning.

19670505441 c2b7cdd6dd k VW MK6 GTI candy whitewith 19″ V702 matte hyper silver

19479382799 bc410d8b04 k VW MK6 GTI candy whitewith 19″ V702 matte hyper silver

19665952805 de8cee2ddc k VW MK6 GTI candy whitewith 19″ V702 matte hyper silver

19670547961 502f111c63 k VW MK6 GTI candy whitewith 19″ V702 matte hyper silver

19043418264 fda408c10f k VW MK6 GTI candy whitewith 19″ V702 matte hyper silver

19043369314 01e82ae266 k VW MK6 GTI candy whitewith 19″ V702 matte hyper silver

VMR V702 Wheels – Matte Hyper Silver
Front 19×8.5 ET45
Rear 19×8.5 ET45

Matte Hyper Silver | Matte Gunmetal | Matte Gunmetal / Brushed Aluminum Face | Powder Coats

18×8.5 | 18×9.5
19×8.5 | 19×9.5
20×9 | 20×10

5×112 | 5×114.3 | 5×120

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