Since 1994 O.CT Tuning operates as its own department within the 1985 founded company OBERSCHEIDER in Lustenau, located in the northwest of the Austrian state Vorarlberg near the Austrian-Swiss frontier. This professional high-tech company functions in the field of Performance Optimization of Engines and caused a worldwide sensation with its in-house IPRO (Intelligent PROgramming system). The business, who is now run by the second generation of owners, also manage a branch in Swiss Widnau across the frontier.
This time the O.CT Tuning development division lured a real long-runner into their “chamber of tortureâ€, the Golf VII R – on the market since November 2013. Their intention: to “grill†the 2.0 liter-motor of the VAG-group with its original 300 HP as well as 380 Nm of maximum torque very thoroughly. The magnificent result is due to the engine dynometer, which means the development turned out very complex and expensive. Usually manufacturers walk a rocky road in order to motorize a special edition above average. Any possible performance data has been determined under the pressure of an extreme permanent load. These basic parameters speaks for themselves: 450 HP and 550 Nm of maximum torque. The length performance of this edited Golf VII R with four wheel drive is beyond belief and it would be a challenge to find an appropriate match. Sports car drivers are advised to give way, if this muscled beast is recognized in the rear back mirror. It is recommended to let it pass by or a big disappointment is in store.
O.CT Tuning provides the performance update on four different stages: 370 HP / 460 Nm, 378 HP / 480 Nm, 395 HP / 505 Nm as well as the final stage with 450 HP and 550 Nm. For the owners of the Golf VII R – whose body construction is made of 36% high-tensile steels – O.CT Tuning also offers to install the different performance levels gradually until the maximum power is accomplished in order to keep the budget on a healthy level. The same applies for owners of the Seat Leon Cupra as well as all for the owners of other models with the same 2.0 liter-engine of the VAG-group. By doing so, tailored and affordable packages can be bundled without taking a hit to the wallet.
In comparison with other thoroughbred sports cars, the Golf remains a vehicle for daily use as well as a year long companion – although it has the making of a sports car. In addition it offers the benefit to carry out a space saving hobby of owning just one (sports) car.
Additional information about this striking Golf VII R direct at: www.oct-tuning.com